Bryan has article published in ACS Environmental Au

Bryan has research article, “The M/V X-Press Pearl Nurdle Spill: Contamination of Burnt Plastic and Unburnt Nurdles along Sri Lanka’s Beaches,” published in the journal, ACS Environmental Au. DOI:

This work was in collaboration with Asha de Vos founder and executive director of Oceanswell, Professor Lihini Aluwihare at the Scripps Institution for Oceanography, Sarah Youngs research assistant in the CSL Lab at WHOI, Assistant Professor Michelle H. DiBenedetto at the University of Washington, Assistant Scientist Collin P. Ward at WHOI, Associate Scientist Anna P. M. Michel at WHOI, Beckett C. Colson graduate student in the CSL Lab at WHOI, Michale G. Mazzotta postdoc investigator in the Ward Lab, Anna N. Walsh graduate student in the Ward Lab, Senior Research Specialist Robert K. Nelson, and Senior Scientist Christopher M. Reddy.

This paper was dedicated to my grandfather, the late Robert L. James for his generous support of science in the time of crisis.

Part of this work was in collaboration with Oceanswell and their Nurdle Tracker. Citizen science campaigns have championed monitoring nurdle pollution, and these efforts by concerned Sri Lankans are commendable in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This work was supported in part by the Postdoctoral Scholar Program at WHOI, with funding provided by the Weston Howland Jr. Postdoctoral Scholarship, the WHOI Marine Microplastics Catalyst Program, the WHOI Marine Microplastics Innovation Accelerator Program, and Investment in Science Fund as well as March Limited, The Seaver Institute, Gerstner Philanthropies, the Wallace Research Foundation, the Richard Saltonstall Charitable Foundation, the Harrison Foundation, Hollis and Ermine Lovell Charitable Foundation, and the Richard Grand Foundation for their financial support. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (OCE-1634478, OCE-1756242, and OCE-0842727). A.dV. was supported by funding from the Schmidt Foundation.


Bryan selected for the Early Career Editorial Advisory Board of ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering


Bryan speaks at Science Untapped!